History and Theory

美 [ˈhɪstri ənd ˈθiːəri]英 [ˈhɪstri ənd ˈθɪəri]
  • 网络历史与理论;史学理论
History and TheoryHistory and Theory
  1. Part two pursues the cultural meaning of international relations , both in history and theory .


  2. The definition for line array loudspeaker system was made , and its history and theory knowledge were introduced as well as related technique problems .


  3. The study on Chinese philosophy must combine history and theory .


  4. Research on Reforming Teaching of Courses on History and Theory in Design Art


  5. The History and Theory Base of Credit Operation and Its New Practice in Ningxia


  6. The formation and development have its own specific history and theory of origins .


  7. The first part reviewed history and theory of Crime Psychometrics .


  8. The first part of this thesis summarizes the history and theory of family therapy .


  9. The first two parts of this thesis summarize the history and theory of the RIM .


  10. But there are still a lot of errors in the problems of the relationship between history and theory .


  11. In the field of IR studies , the core issue of historical analysis is the relationship between history and theory .


  12. Hope our thought can be clearer and more reasonable in the future learning on history and theory of architecture design .


  13. The second chapter , review of the price regulation history and theory of municipal public utilities about China and International .


  14. During these years , Professor Zhou devote a lot of his energies to the study of art history and theory .


  15. This paper proposes concept of optimal scale of fiscal revenue based on the analysis of overseas and domestic history and theory of fiscal development .


  16. Making A New Voyage of Theoretic Exploration : A Review of Western International Politics : History and Theory ( the Second Edition );


  17. From the research of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom in the historical world the problem of relationship between history and theory was still undone .


  18. This paper summarizes Professor Long 's educational thoughts of Architectural students and some experience in cultivation of postgraduates of Architectural History and theory .


  19. The Sphere and The Labyrinth is one of the most important books of Tafuri 's writing about history and theory .


  20. Summary description is made on the history and theory of the development of supplier development , pointed out that the study of the practical significance of this topic .


  21. The unification of history and theory depends on the right selection of methodology to reflect both the evolution of academic thoughts and the ideological values .


  22. In this article , we involve two directions of architecture graduate education , one is architectural history and theory , the other is architectural design and its theory .


  23. We can review and analyze Chinese traditional society structure , decline of China and different kinds of revivals ' efforts and international situation in history and theory views .


  24. The second part , presentes the proposition of theory of ecological and cultural consciousness from the perspective of history and theory , following the theory of cultural awareness content .


  25. Among them , literature analysis highlights rational deduction based on the combination of history and theory and empirical analysis focuses on experience induction based on the combination of learning and using .


  26. The paper , from two visual angles of history and theory , attempts to give ancient Chinese editors'living condition a comprehensive survey and present some inspiration to contemporary editorial activities .


  27. The history and theory of artificially triggered lightning experiment are reviewed , and new progresses have been made in the study of lightning physics by use of this technique .


  28. The education of design foundation , major design and design history and theory , are three important basics that construct the Chinese modern design education , which has formed after a few years of development .


  29. After Marx originated the Materialism Conception of History and Theory of Surplus value , man 's all-round development has become science from fantasy and then from science to practice .


  30. In his opinion ," artworld " is the institutional environment composed by artistic history and theory , which endows the object with the status of art .
